Millions of people are beginning to wake up to the reality that we need to reimagine our civilization system in order for our species and our planet to thrive together...
And as a result, sustainable and regenerative community land projects ranging in size from just a couple families with a garden all the way up to eco cities are beginning to sprout up all around the world.
We share the same dream. For 5 years we have been preparing our network and expertise to develop a large regenerative community in Costa Rica.
It's been a long journey, but as we mastered the art and science of the fundraise presentation, we now have investors flocking to us.
To show you what we mean, here's our pre-approval letter for $26,000,000 to purchase and develop our dream project (with the lender's name blacked out to keep our lawyers happy)
As we move forward with our own project called Abundancia, it was important to us to also create this Regenerative Development Foundations Program which includes all of the knowledge and templates you need to accelerate towards the financing of your own development project - whatever stage of the journey you're in.
You may already be considering one of the following 3 main ways to fund your regenerative community, town or city project:
If you already have enough cash saved up to buy land, build infrastructure, sub-divide, market and sell lots, then this could be an option for you.
If you already have enough cash saved up to buy land, build infrastructure, sub-divide, market and sell lots, then this could be an option for you.
If you already have enough cash saved up to buy land, build infrastructure, sub-divide, market and sell lots, then this could be an option for you.
If you already have enough cash saved up to buy land, build infrastructure, sub-divide, market and sell lots, then this could be an option for you.
If you have a strong existing network who trusts you enough to put $20k-$100k deposits down so you can then build infrastructure, this may be an option.
In most cases, real estate development projects will bring in outside capital to get basic infrastructure and amenities in place to sell lots and homes.
You likely have some business experience already, but if you’re like many community founders there’s so much knowledge out there that you don’t know that you don’t know which is required to avoid project-killing cashflow shortages and other mistakes.
Because your investors will have a vested financial interest in seeing your project succeed, your team having a depth of financial and execution planning certainty will empower you to speak more confidently and put your investors' minds at ease.
But if you don’t have clarity about all of these components, you won't be able to make a detailed financial model to serve as the foundation of your funding strategy to ensure that the capital is all spent wisely.
Once you're clear on your vision, a solid development financial model makes all the difference in making sure you’re not wasting your time analyzing the wrong piece of land...
Or worse, you go through on a land purchase that it turns out you can't profitably develop while maintaining your regenerative values. So you are faced with either sacrificing your values, or your financial security.
If you’re self-funding the project, maybe you’ve already experienced the sinking realization that you’re going to have to completely revise the master plan you spent so much time and money on because you didn’t plan the financials properly to understand how many lots and homes and rentals you would need to remain cash flow positive throughout the project.
Or maybe you’ve decided to try and fund your project by pre-selling lots and homes, only to find that would-be lot buyers won’t buy until you first invest into infrastructure for them to see that more is happening on the project.
Or maybe you already know that you need to raise investment, and are spending dozens of hours talking with lawyers, watching videos and reading articles about the process as you try to build a financial model from scratch.
For projects of all sizes around the world, we see founding teams not knowing how to turn their vision into a clear financial model and execution plan ready to handle the necessary scale of operations as the biggest reason their project never comes to life.
It's heartbreaking, because the world needs these regenerative communities now more than ever!
For our first project called Abundancia in Costa Rica, we had about a dozen conversations with lawyers both in the US and Costa Rica, trying desperately to understand the investment raise process.
We spent countless hours on YouTube and reading articles trying to figure it out, but we were determined to learn our way through no matter what it took…
Even as our savings slowly ran out.
We learned from multiple different experts across many disciplines who were experienced in investing in projects with their own money, and raising funding for ecovillage projects as well as lawyers in the US, Cayman Islands and Costa Rica to find out the best strategies to fund a regenerative development project.
We learned the documents we needed to prepare, the mindset we needed to talk with investors, the entity planning process, and more.
We assembled our financial model, pitch deck, business plan and website into a single cohesive, beautiful presentation. We even rode on horses for 7 hours touring every part of the 1400 acre piece of land.
We took those materials to market, inspired investors to back our cause, and put a $2.3 million offer on the piece of land in Costa Rica we had been dreaming of…
... And then the seller took a different offer.
To say we were disappointed would be a huge understatement.
However, because we had all of our materials so organized and our plan so clear with financial models built, friends began referring us to other land partners.
Within 2 months, we had created a land partnership on 400 acres in southwestern Nicaragua on the beach, where we are now well underway capitalizing the development of 400 homes with new-paradigm amenities and world class Innovation and Healing Centers.
Mastering the process of turning a vision for a project into investor-friendly presentation materials for any project has transformed everything for us.
Now, because we are so prepared for the investment conversation, we have found ourselves with so many interested investors that we are primarily interviewing investors for their alignment to our mission whereas before we felt lucky just to have a second conversation with one of them.
Because of the depth of our experience with the funding preparation process, we’ve now developed relationships with several wealth managers who manage family offices from $1B to $400B in assets under management, allowing our creativity to run wild with the scale of projects we take on.
Throughout the journey, we started helping other community founders with their investment preparation process
Brady Hedlund
Founder of Land Project in Western Mexico
"I studied business in college but Joe managed to make the business planning module light and playful and engaging for business management content that otherwise I thought I might have fallen asleep in class for. This container is working magic in amazing ways - as opportunities have arisen all around our land. This container has really helped to accelerate our clarity and progress of our project, we are so grateful 🙏"
Skaia Koyich
Founder of Land Project in BC, Canada
"This is sooooo helpful lol. The first attorney we spoke with was going to charge us $30-40k for the templates provided in this program… But these templates that you guys used for your Abundancia project are pretty darn close to what our Avalon project will be so it’s saving us a ton in legal and accounting costs. This is literally saving us so much time from having to build out all the docs, contracts, proformas etc from scratch. Thank you!!!"
Davison Kirchmyer
Eco-Hotel Founder in Austin, Texas
"I am so grateful the great spirit lead us together & I can be a part of your dedication on our dream to create more places & healing eco resorts with community’s who are ready to claim back Mother Earth 🌍. Wow… I have goosebumps. Thank you so much for creating this program 🙏"
Matthias Walter
Founder of Land Project in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua
“Working with Kelly and Joe is not only very inspiring because they are a luminous couple, but also because they compliment each other amazingly, in what most of the "Regenerative" Projects might normally need, Financial and Marketing Services. I would 100% recommend working with them both additional to all the incredible alliances and opportunities that you might also get through them."
Felipe Leall
Founder of Gaia Tierras Vivas, Colombia
“I have worked with many business and financial people, but no one that has the expertise of actual regenerative development and experience with the land projects like you guys do. It helps to have other expertise like this in this new emerging field! Thank you so much for what you are doing and for putting together and providing this resource!”
Miranda Clendening
Boulder, CO
"It is so good to have this general overview and structure so I can project manage my vision. Now everyone in my network is lighting up because now I have a funding strategy and my vision is becoming very real."
Eileen Hall
Founder of Land Project in BC, Canada
"Having not done this process ourselves before, it took a long time to figure out everything. We have friends that do this work, but then we saw your spreadsheet and started watching the videos, it blew our minds. My husband used to do engineering work so we felt we could follow spreadsheets well. As we started putting our own vision into spreadsheet, it gave us a ton of ideas that I hadn’t thought about to bring into our own system. I see a LOT of value in this model. I just took a different approach in the investment structure and how we sell the shares, but I'm excited to continue to combine our approaches."
Founders of Land Project in Guatemala
Monica and Silvere Carr
After manually designing financial models and development plans for multiple development projects...
We realized our time could only scale so far.
So we challenged our team to figure out how to systematize the process so we could solve the investment raise challenge for the entire regenerative movement at once.
The result was a Master Development Financial Model which auto-generates complete investment and financial projections based on a simple list of inputs.
As soon as it was created, we got to work filming the videos of how to use it, alongside the investment presentations, business planning, and funding strategies.
The result is the Regenerative Development Funding Foundations Program.
... So that anyone who shared the vision for creating regenerative communities, and was willing to put in the time to learn and work at it, could have all of the tools and knowledge they need to succeed.
Which was when we decided to package our entire knowledge about the regenerative community investment raise process into a single program to massively accelerating you to getting your project funded and built.
Because your dream community is far too important for the betterment of humanity for you to reinvent the wheel to create it by spending years of your life and tens of thousands of dollars to figure it out (like we did).
So this program strips away all of that uncertainty to teach you how to fund your regenerative community development project ASAP, in alignment with your true vision and dream.
Learn the foundations necessary to successfully present your regenerative community development project to investors to get it funded and bring your vision to life.
Stay Focused & Motivated, Make Decisions Congruent with Goals, Attract Aligned People
You will know the bigger picture that keeps you motivated every day to accomplish your dream. When you know your vision clearly & you make decisions congruent with your big picture and magnetize the stakeholders you need to make your project actualize.
Gain Certainty, Confidence, Credibility, and Feasibility.
Learn how to create a development and financial plan for your project so that you can know what to build and look at the projections, which will give you and your investors complete certainty and confidence in its feasibility.
Clear Execution Plan, Real Market Research, Inspirational Ideas
We walk you through your business plan for the project, which will help you and your investors feel that the project is truly grounded in reality with a clear execution plan to be followed once investment is raised.
Stay Focused & Motivated, Make Decisions Congruent with Goals, Attract Aligned People
You will know the bigger picture that keeps you motivated every day to accomplish your dream. When you know your vision clearly & you make decisions congruent with your big picture and magnetize the stakeholders you need to make your project actualize.
Gain Certainty, Confidence, Credibility, and Feasibility.
Learn how to create a development and financial plan for your project so that you can know what to build and look at the projections, which will give you and your investors complete certainty and confidence in its feasibility.
Clear Execution Plan, Real Market Research, Inspirational Ideas
We walk you through your business plan for the project, which will help you and your investors feel that the project is truly grounded in reality with a clear execution plan to be followed once investment is raised.
Vision Shareability, Succinct Communication, Attracting Like Minds
We help you prepare your presentation to investors by creating a pitch deck that follows a presentation story that will intrigue your ideal investor and invite them to learn more, allowing you to create an automated investor marketing funnel, as our first deck was shared organically to over 200 leads without us doing any marketing.
Solid Go-To-Market Strategy, An Abundance of Options, Networking Opportunities
This module will help you to feel confident crafting an irresistible offer for investors which is backed up by your financials and business plan, so you find yourself with the luxury of choosing investors from a place of abundance rather than scarcity.
Vision Shareability, Succinct Communication, Attracting Like Minds
We help you prepare your presentation to investors by creating a pitch deck that follows a presentation story that will intrigue your ideal investor and invite them to learn more, allowing you to create an automated investor marketing funnel, as our first deck was shared organically to over 200 leads without us doing any marketing.
Solid Go-To-Market Strategy, An Abundance of Options, Networking Opportunities
This module will help you to feel confident crafting an irresistible offer for investors which is backed up by your financials and business plan, so you find yourself with the luxury of choosing investors from a place of abundance rather than scarcity.
Guided Visualization Meditation to Connect You to Your Highest Vision for Your Project
Divine Mission Alignment Exercises
Daily Integration Practices to Embody Your Mission
Exercises & Examples for Communicating Your Vision, Mission, Purpose, Values and Goals to All Stakeholders
Inspiration from Other Communities & How to Find Them
Templates to Create Your Vision Documents for Your Project
Auto-Generate Your Project’s Financial Model & Pro-formas Using Our Custom Model
Land Site Criteria & Due Diligence
Choose Your Regenerative Development Type
Understand the Development Process
Learn about Regenerative Development Features
Assess Hard Costs, Site Work, Soft Costs, Marketing & More
Assess your Revenue Generation Streams
Finding Residential & Commercial Comparables
Detailed Investment Analysis with Equity Waterfall and Cash Flow Distributions for Limited & General Partner
96 Page Business Plan Template with Our Concepts Written Out & Professionally Designed
Executive Summary, Vision & Mission, Guiding Principles
Location & Site Context, Economic Analysis, Geographical Advantages
Master Plan Layout, Land Features, Weather
Regulatory & Political Situation, Business Licenses & Regulations, Taxation, Labor Standards, Insurance and Liability
Regenerative Buildings & Amenities, Regenerative Systems, Community Operations, Community Impact, Regenerative Building & Permaculture
Team & Partnerships, Phases of Development, Market Research, Competitive Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Marketing Plan
Financial Summary & Investment Opportunity
Practices to Inspire your Creativity & Depth
Presentation & Pitch Creation
Professionally Designed Templates for your Pitch Deck
Revenue Stream Breakdown & Addressable Market
Investment Opportunity Presentation
Wix Website Template for all your Project Features
Typeform Questions for Residents & Investors
Investor Relations Mindset Training
Optimize Your Investment Offering
8 Fundraising & 6 Financing Strategies
Connecting with the Right Lawyer
Entity Formation & Structuring
Risk Minimization Strategies
Investor Marketing Strategy
Easy Ways To Find 100’s of Investors
Terms Sheet Templates
Our goal is to live in harmony with each other, nature, and the planet. So we are sharing this program to live alignment with our values, have holistic consideration, and create one living planetary ecosystem.
The planet needs our stewardship and we see people are getting the vision to live in a regenerative way. We need for more self-sufficiency so we decided to bring practical steps to eco communities in order to scale positive impact.
We've gathered deep information over years so we now have the opportunity to share our knowledge with you. We can now share the templates and resources , give a simple step-by-step process, and help others live their dreams too.
Our goal is to live in harmony with each other, nature, and the planet. So we are sharing this program to live alignment with our values, have holistic consideration, and create one living planetary ecosystem.
The planet needs our stewardship and we see people are getting the vision to live in a regenerative way. We need for more self-sufficiency so we decided to bring practical steps to eco communities in order to scale positive impact.
We've gathered deep information over years so we now have the opportunity to share our knowledge with you. We can now share the templates and resources , give a simple step-by-step process, and help others live their dreams too.
Anyone who has a vision to build a regenerative community project, whether you own land yet or not, whether you have experience or not.
Any size project from a small 1/4 acre glamping space to a 100 acre village to an entire 10,000+ acre eco-city.
Anyone can use the concepts and resources in this course as long as you're looking to develop a land-based project. This program is designed to help retreat centers to neighborhoods and everything master their execution planning and presentation materials.
5 Modules
30 Video Lessons Supported by 150+ Visual Slides
11 Years of Knowledge, Experience
1000’s of Hours Dedicating Our Lives to this Mission
Practical Steps & Detailed Content for Preparing to Raise Funding
Real Eco-Community Development Examples
Resources and Exercises for Implementation of All 5 Elements
Vision & Mission Creation Documents
Regenerative Development Planning & Financial Model Templates
Professionally Designed Business Plan with All the Sections Ready for Your Content
Professionally Designed Pitch Deck Template Ready for Your Story
Investment Analysis & Charts for Use of Funds, Valuation, ROI, IRR, EMx, Revenue Streams
Pro Forma Summary
Cash Flow Projections: Annual 20 year & Monthly 10 year
$15,000 - $100,000
Our firm builds custom financial models for regenerative community and city projects that range from $15,000 to $30,000. To put that in context for you, a financial model from KPMG runs upwards of $100,000.
$100,000 - $1,000,000+
Knowing the scope of your project in intimate detail so that you will know when you will run into cash flow shortages and what your budgets can be for things like marketing and infrastructure is critical to the life of your project to ensure that people are getting paid, work is getting done and deliverables are being met.
Saves You
Presenting to an investor before you're ready with an impressively well-thought-through pro forma and execution plan may give them the impression that you're wasting their time, and they'll likely not be inclined to be a capital partner of yours for this project and many future projects.
$15,000 - $100,000
Our firm builds custom financial models for regenerative community and city projects that range from $15,000 to $30,000. To put that in context for you, a financial model from KPMG runs upwards of $100,000.
$100,000 - $1,000,000+
Knowing the scope of your project in intimate detail so that you will know when you will run into cash flow shortages and what your budgets can be for things like marketing and infrastructure is critical to the life of your project to ensure that people are getting paid, work is getting done and deliverables are being met.
Saves You
Presenting to an investor before you're ready with an impressively well-thought-through pro forma and execution plan may give them the impression that you're wasting their time, and they'll likely not be inclined to be a capital partner of yours for this project and many future projects.
Finding and distilling all of the regenerative community-specific wisdom yourself
Our team has traveled the world visiting over 60 intentional communities and networking with the top minds in the regenerative movement to learn these core principles of regenerative community funding that are brought to you in this program. Most of them are too busy building to put any of their knowledge on YouTube, so the only way to learn was for us to go to them.
Manually learning the entire process yourself by getting out and doing it
We aren't just teaching this stuff - we're actively doing it. And to arrive at this place has taken years of interviewing dozens of lawyers, architects, builders, and investment funds across many countries to define the real estate investment process specific to regenerative communities which we bring to you in this program.
Designing out your own pro forma, pitch deck and business plan templates
1,000 hours
It's important to have a financial model (pro forma), pitch deck, and business plan to be able to have a comprehensive presentation for raising funding. To put in the attention to detail necessary to create these documents correctly can take months and months of dedicated work. Our automated financial model and professionally-designed templates for all of these documents cut many months off of your timeline.
Finding and distilling all of the regenerative community-specific wisdom yourself
Our team has traveled the world visiting over 60 intentional communities and networking with the top minds in the regenerative movement to learn these core principles of regenerative community funding that are brought to you in this program. Most of them are too busy building to put any of their knowledge on YouTube, so the only way to learn was for us to go to them.
Manually learning the entire process yourself by getting out and doing it
We aren't just teaching this stuff - we're actively doing it. And to arrive at this place has taken years of interviewing dozens of lawyers, architects, builders, and investment funds across many countries to define the real estate investment process specific to regenerative communities which we bring to you in this program.
Designing out your own pro forma, pitch deck and business plan templates
1,000 hours
It's important to have a financial model (pro forma), pitch deck, and business plan to be able to have a comprehensive presentation for raising funding. To put in the attention to detail necessary to create these documents correctly can take months and months of dedicated work. Our automated financial model and professionally-designed templates for all of these documents cut many months off of your timeline.
Although we know we could sell this program for $10,000 - $30,000+, as many real estate trainers do, since real estate is such a profitable industry…
Our mission is to empower as many people as possible who are serious about bringing their regenerative development dream to reality…
So that together we can take major strides turning around the climate and social challenges facing the world today.
That’s why our standard pricing for the program is only $2,997, with payment plans available.
Developer and Consultant for regenerative and sustainable communities. 10 years experience in business development, project management, finance, sustainability consulting, real estate investing. Through traveling to over 60 eco-communities across 7 countries and 3 continents, she gained a broad perspective of the best cutting-edge sustainable practices and technologies. Kelly has worked on many green projects including ecovillage development, eco-smart city plans, sustainable retreat center developments, community and building design, project management, and team building around the globe. She has incorporated best practices for environmental, social and governance structures as a Sustainability Consultant for large commercial real estate companies such as Howard Hughes, GID, PGIM, and Jamestown with diverse portfolios of multi-family, office, and industrial buildings, with over $100 Billion in assets under management.
A 10 year mission-driven serial entrepreneur, Joe uses his Electrical Engineering and Purpose Coaching background to align founding teams to their Divine Mission and then engineer the company’s communication systems to express that mission with all stakeholders, across team-building, investor relations and marketing. Joe has directed viral marketing launches to an influencer network of 400 million social media followers for purpose-driven brands ranging from $100k to $20M in annual revenue, and is Executive Producing television content designed to broadcast today’s Regenerative Renaissance to living rooms around the world.
Managing Partner of Sphinx Capital, investor and real estate advisor. Arranged over $750M in equity and debt for real estate developments and projects nationwide. General Partner of 9-figure regenerative community project in Austin, Texas.
Full Access to Video Lessons & Investor Presentation Templates
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee For Online Program
Full Access to Video Lessons & Investor Presentation Templates
1 60-Min Regenerative Development Strategy Session ($250 Value)
3 Months Free In Eco-Development Mastermind ($291 Value)
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee For Online Program
Full Access to Video Lessons & Investor Presentation Templates
1 60-Min Regenerative Development Strategy Session ($250 Value)
3 Months Free In Eco-Development Mastermind ($291 Value)
4 Additional 60-Min Regenerative Development Strategy Sessions
Priority 1:1 Support Between Sessions
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee For Online Program
When you join before this offer expires, you'll also receive access to these amazing bonuses to accelerate your progress.
Join a World-Class, Vision-Aligned Community
Join an exclusive members-only community of other regenerative community founders in the program who are developing these projects around the world. People who want to build this way are awesome, so we’re dedicated to connecting our students to support each other.
Additional Revenue Stream Modeling Templates
Want to include more than just rental payments, lease payments, lot and home sales in your business model? We’ve got you covered. We’ll throw in additional modeling templates for common community businesses such as events, retreats, and other businesses to run in the project.
Sustainable Construction Methods, Features, & Companies Database
For the last 5 years we’ve been putting together a list of all construction methods and sustainable building method companies from around the world, in attempt to create a single database for the building methods that can revolutionize our built environment. Enjoy it for free as part of your purchase!
Be First In Line For AI-Generated Presentations
Behind the scenes, our tech and finance teams are hard at work building out the artificial intelligence-powered software that automatically generates all of your investment materials from a simple intake form about your project, from your website to your financials and business plan.
Welcome to the Program
Program Overview
How to Take This Program
Join The Community
Vision & Mission Alignment Intro
Vision Alignment
Mission Alignment
Vision Documents
Regenerative Development Planning Overview
Development Process
Regenerative Development Features
Development Planning - Overview & Quick Costs Analysis
Building and Amenities
Site Work & Regenerative Systems
Soft Costs - Initial
Soft Costs - Operations
Soft Costs - Marketing
Soft Costs - Staffing
Timeline & Schedule
Investment Analysis
Comparable Analysis
Simplifying The Model & Deleting Rows
Regenerative Development Global Database
Business Plan Overview
Executive Summary
Guiding Principles
Location & Site Context
Regenerative Buildings & Amenities
Regenerative Systems
Community Operations
Community Impact
Tourist Attractions
Team & Partnerships
Phases of Development
Market Research
Marketing Plan
Investment Offering
Presentation & Pitch Overview
Investment Raise Process
Pitch Deck Full Length - Part 1
Pitch Deck Full Length - Part 2
10 Slide Deck
Website Creation
Wix Website Template
Stakeholder Forms
Delivery Method
Investment Offering Email Template
Video Creation
Funding Strategies Overview
Funding Mindset
Clarifying Your Offering
Legal Structuring
Investment Documents
Funding Methods
Finding Funding
Case Studies
Making an Offer on a Property
Congratulations & Next Steps
63 lessons
19 hours of video content
You don't have to do it alone, and you don't have to figure it all out yourself.
We got you.
As long as you are building a sustainable or regenerative community, whether that be just a few structures or all the way up to a city, this program will help you lay the foundations to fund that project through either your own self-funding, outside investment, or pre-selling lots.
It’s true, many economic indicators show that we may be heading into recession. However, it’s important to understand that in times of economic uncertainty, the market tends to reallocate capital towards real goods - such as food, water, infrastructure and real estate. If you were trying to raise money for a crypto startup, I’d say now is not a very good time. But real estate is a very sound business model which investors are already wanting to invest into because it secures their portfolio amidst an uncertain tim
Framing the financials of a project is the very first step we take with every project, and it's the first step we recommend you take too. If you have just a vision for what you want to build with land in mind, this program will help you immensely prepare for land acquisition. If you already own the land, this program will help you prepare your investment offering to develop your land.
Yes. Depending on the size of your project, this skillset may carry the role of CFO, Director of Finance, Finance Manager, Financial Analyst, etc. But you're going to need a professional to own the financial stewardship of the project ongoing. If you already have that person on your team, this program will help them understand the uniqueness of the regenerative community model. If you do not yet have that person on your team, this program will help you understand enough about their role to be able to hire them effectively.
As a first step, inside of the program you'll see links to book a Development Strategy Intensive with a member of our team. For projects that are the right fit, New Earth Development provides development services throughout the Project Planning, Project Funding, and Development Execution phases.
This is a potential approach if you either: 1) Have an existing network of buyers who are willing to pre-purchase their lots, OR 2) You're developing in one of the hottest markets in the world so demand is so high that you'll sell your houses as soon as you list them. But either way, you'll need the financial planning foundations taught in this program to make sure that you are ready to operate your business successfully to manage customer expectations and avoid refunds or disappointments.
To help you feel even more confident in your purchase, you can sign up today, take all the lessons and apply all the training, and if you don’t love it you can ask for your money back any time in 30 days. That’s how much we believe that this program will truly help your project accelerate through the planning stage into capitalization and building.
Send your questions in an email to and a member of our team will answer your questions to help you best understand how this program can help you achieve your specific land project vision.